About Us

U3As provide educational, recreational and social programs for people active in retirement or semi-retirement, the third age of our lives.

Our mission at U3A Moreland is to provide opportunities for people over 50 years of age  to come together to learn, share, teach, participate and offer mutual support to each other in a friendly, warm environment, regardless of ethnicity, religion, ability or disability.

Our programs cover a wide range of interest areas across intellectual engagement, physical activity and artistic pursuits as well as the opportunity to enjoy the social aspects of all activities. All programs are non-competitive and not qualification based. We focus on enabling members to expand their knowledge in existing areas, and to explore new fields and activities

U3A Moreland is open to anyone who is no longer working full time or is fully retired.

Click here for our current Rules of Incorporation

U3A Moreland Inc.

ABN: 55 674 419 081

Incorporated Association Registration Number: A0062793L

Committee Members

PresidentGlen Wall
Vice PresidentGwen Rosengren OAM
SecretaryWendy Smith
TreasurerAnn Wookey
Assistant TreasurerAnne Ward
MemberCris Gouletsas
MemberTricia Lester
MemberNicole Lowe
MemberPhillip Elkins
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Committee of Management Members may be contacted for information

Email: info.u3amoreland@gmail.com

Ph: 0421 318 872